Have you seen movies that depict a heroic individual changing the world? Have you ever though of the difference one person can make? The world is constantly changing around us, regardless of for better or for worse. Change, is a broad term that is universally known to all. Change, is the cause of the rich history of the world that we are currently in. I believe that the change we wish to see in this world has to start from the individual. It does not do us any good by focusing on the sheer size of this task. Even if individuals are not able to alter the course of nature, or control large communities of people, the key to changing the world lies in changing one's mindset. In other words, changing one's belief, attitudes or behaviour can make a huge impact.
Effecting social change lies in changing oneself. Agents of change start internally, especially in our society. We make up the society, and every aspect of it, no matter how small, is related to us. When talking about social problems, the list is endless. They affect us both directly and indirectly in our lives. Thus, it is logical to say that every one of us plays a part in solving social problems. However, there has been little to cheer about regarding some major social problems such as terrorism and Singapore's decreasing birth rate. Although there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to the myriad of global problems, what matters is our intentions to make the world a better place. Due to the fact that Singapore is a secure and peaceful island with a vibrant economy, Singaporeans inevitably tend to have a sense of detachment regarding global problems. For example, many Singaporeans have the misconception that only Middle-Eastern and Western countries are terrorist targets or even bases, but the threat of terrorism is in fact everywhere. Who can forget the time when Mas Selamat, a terrorist leader, escaped from a detention centre on our home soil. Will we still be so ego centric if terrorists cause damage to us? Furthermore, this ego centric way of thinking also explains the declining birth rate in Singapore. In order to prevent this from affecting our country's future prospects, the government has tried to encourage couples to have more children through subsidies, but to no avail. This highlights the importance of adopting a sense of social responsibility.
Many individuals are generally apathetic to the world of politics, as they feel powerless to effect any changes. However, it will not benefit us if the government is allowed to have a free rein over us, as not every decision will please us. Thus, it is indeed true that during any election, every vote counts.
The rest of the world is not spared when some countries are embroiled in war or plagued by internal strife. The causes of the disastrous world wars that have changed the course of history are mainly related to violence. Some countries may feel that violence is the way to resolve conflicts and solve problems, but violence only begets more violence. As individuals, we should rid ourselves of violent and knee-jerk tendencies that may cause social tensions. An apt example will be Gandhi, who led a peaceful campaign for India's independence, illustrating that changing the world through peace is possible.
Last but not least, climate change! The pressing dangers of climate change is real and happening at a rapid pace. Green technological and economic policies are springing out in every part of the world. Unfortunately, big corporations and governments exploit the earth for their own indulgence, using the earth as a dumping ground. The earth is our home, and we are obliged to protect and conserve it, or else we will regret our actions in the future. Believe it or not, our myopic and self-centred actions and behaviours can help alleviate the effects of climate change. If everyone does his part to reduce pollution, the world will be a greener place.
Change is a big word, but it starts small. When we take the effort to change ourselves, we can change the world either socially, politically or environmentally in a peaceful way. It is never too late to start now.
Effecting social change lies in changing oneself. Agents of change start internally, especially in our society. We make up the society, and every aspect of it, no matter how small, is related to us. When talking about social problems, the list is endless. They affect us both directly and indirectly in our lives. Thus, it is logical to say that every one of us plays a part in solving social problems. However, there has been little to cheer about regarding some major social problems such as terrorism and Singapore's decreasing birth rate. Although there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to the myriad of global problems, what matters is our intentions to make the world a better place. Due to the fact that Singapore is a secure and peaceful island with a vibrant economy, Singaporeans inevitably tend to have a sense of detachment regarding global problems. For example, many Singaporeans have the misconception that only Middle-Eastern and Western countries are terrorist targets or even bases, but the threat of terrorism is in fact everywhere. Who can forget the time when Mas Selamat, a terrorist leader, escaped from a detention centre on our home soil. Will we still be so ego centric if terrorists cause damage to us? Furthermore, this ego centric way of thinking also explains the declining birth rate in Singapore. In order to prevent this from affecting our country's future prospects, the government has tried to encourage couples to have more children through subsidies, but to no avail. This highlights the importance of adopting a sense of social responsibility.
Many individuals are generally apathetic to the world of politics, as they feel powerless to effect any changes. However, it will not benefit us if the government is allowed to have a free rein over us, as not every decision will please us. Thus, it is indeed true that during any election, every vote counts.
The rest of the world is not spared when some countries are embroiled in war or plagued by internal strife. The causes of the disastrous world wars that have changed the course of history are mainly related to violence. Some countries may feel that violence is the way to resolve conflicts and solve problems, but violence only begets more violence. As individuals, we should rid ourselves of violent and knee-jerk tendencies that may cause social tensions. An apt example will be Gandhi, who led a peaceful campaign for India's independence, illustrating that changing the world through peace is possible.
Last but not least, climate change! The pressing dangers of climate change is real and happening at a rapid pace. Green technological and economic policies are springing out in every part of the world. Unfortunately, big corporations and governments exploit the earth for their own indulgence, using the earth as a dumping ground. The earth is our home, and we are obliged to protect and conserve it, or else we will regret our actions in the future. Believe it or not, our myopic and self-centred actions and behaviours can help alleviate the effects of climate change. If everyone does his part to reduce pollution, the world will be a greener place.
Change is a big word, but it starts small. When we take the effort to change ourselves, we can change the world either socially, politically or environmentally in a peaceful way. It is never too late to start now.